reliable affordable shipping in nigeria
Reliable, affordable shipping in nigeria. Ship from the uk to nigeria, china to nigeria. Ship from Nigeria to UK, Nigeria to China
Now you can access reliable and affordable shipping in Nigeria. With Flocargo you can do the following:

- Ship directly from nigeria to china
- Ship directly from china to nigeria
- Ship directly from nigeria to uk
- Ship directly from uk to nigeria
Are our services truly reliable?
Yes. It it. We do not only bring the world to you, we ensure your items are safe and insured. We make sure you get your items delivered at their destination.
It does not matter the size, type or distance. We ensure we pickup and deliver truly reliable logistics for your items.
Click here to read about Floexpress.
Everyday, we find more ways to improve our services. We ensure we keep our standards high and set the bar. We keep to the best industry practices and ensure you get the best in logistics services in the world today.
Our Floshop services simplifies the global shopping experience our clients will get by providing a payment service for your online orders at your favourite stores or to your suppliers without the hassles of card verification or leaving the comfort of your homes or offices. You shop; we pay! It is that simple. Contact us for more information.
FLocargo: Your reliable affordable shipping in nigeria
The United Kingdom (UK) is one of the major countries our services operates. Ship from uk to nigeria when you want. Reliable and affordable. We ship items like food stuff, clothes, devices, animals and even cars and automobiles
Call us now
+234 810 674 0983 | +234 803 488 9705
With our export services, you can ship your items from uk to nigeria.
Please send an email as I need your clearance and delivery charges in Nigeria
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